Dr. Gluzberg believes that excellent healthcare can be achieved only through one-on-one interaction and individualized care that is centered on you - the patient.

Zerona Z6 Fat Reduction

WHAT IS IT? Erchonia’s Zerona Z6 is a full body fat reduction that allows clients to target areas of stubborn fat, and is the first laser specifically designed for body contouring. The Zerona Z6 is FDA Market-Cleared, non-invasive and clinically tested. Applied externally, the laser targets excess fat by emulsifying fatty tissue through the use of cold laser technology developed by Erchonia. It provides an alternative fat loss treatment without the adverse side effects associated with surgical and other weight loss procedures like liposuction, cryolipolysis and body wraps.

HOW DOES IT WORK? Zerona works by using its (6) adjustable heads to target the fat cells beneath the treatment area creating a temporary opening within the fat cell to allow the fatty liquids to drain out of the cell and be flushed out naturally, through your lymphatic system. The Zerona procedure creates an overall body slimming effect that can be used to reduce fat in your: Waist, Pecs, Back, Arms, Thighs, Hips, Ankles, and more!

How is Zerona different? Zerona Shrinks Fat Cells Instead of Killing Them Making it Safer & More Effective.

Our fat cells are complex and dynamic entities that affect an astounding number of bodily functions. This endocrine organ actually supports the processes that keep us lean and assist our bodies with the following function:

Helps regulate metabolism, Supports immune system, Produces hormones and proteins.
Assists liver in processing or removing fat and toxins, and our muscles in keeping blood sugar down

Removing fat cells through liposuction or fat-freezing techniques can actually, in the long-run, do more harm than good. Statistics show that killing fat cells can at best provide temporary improvement in your appearance, and within the first year, the fat cells will regenerate or grow larger in new areas of your body to compensate for what was taken (perhaps our organs attempt at healing itself). 

Office Visit

Appointment with Dr. Gluzberg in office

Appointments for adult South Carolina and Michigan residents and visitors only.

Medical care conducted by Tatyana Gluzberg, MD, PhD, Board Certified in Family Practice, Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine , Certified in Skin Cancer Medicine.

Dr. Gluzberg will evaluate all your concerns, complaints and medical history, make necessary recommendations and referrals to any needed outside testing and specialists, and prescribe appropriate medications, vitamins, supplements.

Telehealth Visit

Virtual/online Appointment with Dr. Gluzberg.

Appointments for adult South Carolina and Michigan residents and visitors only.

FLOWpresso® Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

FLOWpresso® works wonders in many ways for all types of people. 

Providing a unique therapy that encourages the body to release toxins and promote the body’s self healing mechanisms so it can restore balance and enhance health.

The non-invasive therapy uses a combination of compression, far infrared and deep pressure to encourage relaxation, sleep and energy.

What are some of the FLOWpresso® benefits?

With no two humans the same, it would be impossible to describe exactly how FLOWpresso can help you. However with feedback from current FLOWpresso clients and health professionals, we can comment that FLOWpresso has the ability to:

*Promote relaxation;
*Improve energy; 
*Support stress management;
*Improve recovery in health and sport;
*Improve endurance in sport;
*Promote sleep management;
*Promote weight loss;
*Improve general mobility;
*Encourage regulation and balance to enhance the natural healing state of the body.

PNOE Metabolic Breath Analysis

PNOĒ delivers clinical accuracy in measuring metabolic, heart, lung and cellular fitness, and provides the gold standard in nutrition and exercise personalization.

Your metabolism isn’t just the calories you burn. It’s all the vital functions your body runs to use oxygen and keep you alive. PNOĒ scans them with clinical precision and finds the ones that pose a risk for your health and performance.

Science-based metabolic analysis

Metabolism & Cells
Analyze how fast or slow your metabolism is, determine optimal calorie intake for your goal, and measure how effectively your cells burn fats and carbohydrates at rest and during exercise. This information also reveals the risk for metabolic disorders such as Type II Diabetes.

Fat Burn & Recovery
Analyze how effectively your cells utilize oxygen, burn fat as a fuel source, and clear fatigue metabolites during exercise. This information is also used to determine the optimal macro intake during exercise.

Heart & Lungs
Analyze your cardiovascular and lung fitness with gold standard accuracy and understand how these vital organs impact your health and wellbeing.Your lung fitness is evaluated through four distinct metrics that paint the most complete picture of how fit your lungs are and how well you utilize them.

Brain & Posture
Analyze how your breath affects cognitive performance, lower back pain and myoskeletal health. Breathing is the most vital function for maintaining high levels of brain activity and avoiding injuries such as lower back pain.

Personalized Gut Health Protocol

Cornerstones of good health include proper digestion of food, assimilation of nutrients, exclusion of pathogens and timely elimination of waste. To obtain benefits from food that is consumed, nutrients must be appropriately digested and then efficiently absorbed into portal circulation. Microbes, larger-sized particles of fiber, and undigested foodstuffs should remain within the intestinal lumen. Poor digestion and malabsorption of vital nutrients can contribute to degenerative diseases, compromised immune status and nutritional deficiencies.

Bacterial Overgrowth or Imbalance (Dysbiosis) | Chronic Maldigestion | Bloating | IBS | GERD | Constipation | Diarrhea | Melabsorption | Gut Infections | Parasites


Dr. Gluzberg will utilize all these diagnostic results to make actionable nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations as a road map for improving your unique gut microbiome and overall health!

Gut Health Consultation

If you are not ready to commit to a protocol, Dr. Gluzberg can schedule a one-hour consultation to discuss your plan for evaluation, treatment and management.

This consultation can address:

Bacterial Overgrowth or Imbalance (Dysbiosis) | Chronic Maldigestion | Bloating | IBS | GERD | Constipation | Diarrhea | Melabsorption | Gut Infections | Parasites

Post-COVID-19 Protocol

Course of Treatment: 18 Weeks

The scientific community agrees that a post-COVID-19 recovery program is necessary for those with lingering symptoms. Symptoms may include:

Feeling very tired | Headaches | Joint or Muscle Pain | Trouble Sleeping or Eating | Sweating | Diarrhea | Trouble Thinking Clearly, Focusing or Remembering | Depression | Anxiety


Dr. Gluzberg will utilize all these diagnostic results to make actionable nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations as a road map for restoring your health and quality of life to pre-COVID-19 or better.

Chronic Conditions Protocol

Course of Treatment: 26 Weeks or 52 Weeks

Certain social, environmental, and lifestyle factors can lead to several chronic diseases. As a Board-Certified Family Physician, Dr. Gluzberg has over 30 years of experience in effective management of various chronic conditions in her patients. Dr. Gluzberg will utilize various traditional and naturopathic diagnostic techniques and labs to get to the root of your problem and develop a comprehensive plan that takes into account each individual’s lifestyle, nutrition, current and past stressors, and relevant previous injuries.


Diabetes/Blood Sugar Management | Hypertension/Blood Pressure Management | Hyperlipidemia/Cholesterol Management | Thyroid Disease/Condition | Psoriasis | Obesity/Weight Management | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Insomnia | Hairloss


Dr. Gluzberg will utilize all these diagnostic results to make actionable nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations as a road map for restoring your health and quality of life.

Skin Cancer Prevention

Skin Wellness Exam is conducted by Tatyana Gluzberg, MD, PhD, Board Certified in Family Practice, Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine , Certified in Skin Cancer Medicine. If you have an unsightly or annoying skin condition that you’d like to get rid of, Dr. Gluzberg will check it and advise you on treatment options. 

Skin lesions Removal

Easy, painless removal of benign skin growths and lesions. CryoProbe can remove most common lesions easy and quickly - skin tags, common warts, plantar warts, sun spots, molluscum contagious, actinic or seborrheic keratoses, etc. It’s precise, painless, with no damage to surrounding tissue, no unsightly scars and no aftercare required. 

Screening for Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, H. Pylori & High Cholesterol

In just 10 minutes, Dr. Gluzberg can screen you for a variety of sever chronic conditions, simply by pocking your finger and collecting a very small amount of blood.

Styku 3D Body Composition Scan

Leverage body measurements to calculate body fat % with incredibly high precision. See the difference in your body's shape in 3D, analyze hundreds of body measurements, set fat-loss goals, estimate basal Metabolic Rate and Calorie Expenditure.

Please note: make sure you wear tight clothing to your scan, like legging and sports bra, compression pants or bike shorts. Please wear your hair up in a bun, if applicable. You may also change in a private area in our office.


HeartMath technology is an innovative approach to improving emotional wellbeing. Learn to change your heart rhythm pattern to create physiological coherence; a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in our mind, emotions, and body.

In-office only.

Golf MasterMind Coaching

Utilizing the HeartMath Inner Balance™ Trainer, this is an innovative approach to improving wellness through training, education, and self-monitoring. Inner Balance shows you your heart rhythm pattern (HRV) and a breathing, training you how to change your heart rhythm pattern to a healthier, coherent state.

Glen Albaugh, a leading sports psychology consultant to professionals, amateur, and juniors: “If you want to learn how to manage your emotions and play well under pressure, buy into the inner balance® technology. It really works! Currently, 25+ Winning The Battle Within players use HeartMath® technology.”

In-office only.

Rapid Release Therapy

Professional premier device, specifically designed to deliver precise, targeted energy that releases pain and tension by combining high-speed vibrations with short-stroke action.


Gives you an analysis of your energetic state and helps you find ways to improve it using Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs.

For skincare, hair, supplements, fasting-mimicking diet, and more products hand-curated by Tatyana Gluzberg, MD, PhD double-board certified in Lifestyle and Family Medicine, please visit our in-person store at 641 Little Tony Avenue, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576